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Sinus Augmentation in Pocatello, ID

The maxillary sinuses, which are located on either side of the nose, are sometimes too close to the upper jawbone or low in density, which prevents the successful placement of dental implants. Dental implant surgery uses anchor screws that are placed within the jawbone for stability and act as a secure base for your teeth. Patients who lack sufficient upper jawbone density may become candidates for dental implants after a sinus lift. SmileMakers Dental offers sinus lift surgery in Pocatello, Idaho to lift the sinus membrane and create enough space for bone grafting material. Sinus lift surgery allows for the successful placement of future dental implants.

Sinus Lift in Pocatello, ID

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A sinus lift is a bone grafting procedure that prepares the upper jaw to receive dental implants. In cases where the maxillary sinuses are too low or close to the upper jawbone, a sinus lift can be performed to reposition the sinuses, creating enough space for Dr. Baker and his surgical team to form a stable foundation for dental implants. Sinus lift surgery also helps to treat bone loss of the upper jaw and create adequate bone density so that dental implants can be securely placed. A sinus lift is one of the most commonly performed bone grafting surgeries currently available.

What Materials Are Used During A Sinus Lift?


Sinus lift surgery utilizes bone grafting techniques and treatments based on your individual case. We may use your own bone as the bone grafting material for a sinus lift. This bone would be removed from your mouth or hip depending on the amount of donor material needed for your sinus lift. Allografting is another type of bone grafting, which uses donor bone from another individual as the material for your sinus lift. With continuing advancements in the field of bone grafting, factor-based material has become more popular. This type of bone graft uses special growth factors in order to promote the regeneration of depleted jawbone.


What Should I Expect During A Sinus Lift?


Dr. Baker and his surgical team will customize sinus lift surgery to best meet your specific needs. To begin sinus lift surgery, we will make a small incision in the jawbone in which we will gain access to the sinus membrane. The next step of sinus lift surgery will gently reposition the sinus membrane away from the jawbone, creating adequate space for the bone grafting materials to be placed. Following the placement of the bone grafting material, it will take 4-10 months for the graft to properly take and regenerate bone growth. If the graft successfully promotes local bone growth, you should be a proper candidate for dental implant surgery.


What Should I Expect After A Sinus Lift?


Following a sinus lift, you may experience some mild swelling, discomfort, and sensitivity. These symptoms can be managed with prescribed or suggested medications. Immediately following your sinus lift procedure, it is important to rest and allow your body the day to recuperate. A soft diet is recommended until your surgical site heals further. When you resume brushing your teeth, it is important to not disturb the surgical site. The following day after your sinus lift, gentle rinsing is allowed to maintain proper oral hygiene.

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